The president of SAMAAP, a woman who lived in Africa where she learned about her generational culture, illustrates the current and past struggles to overcome challenges of the black population
“I am an Afro-Panamanian of Jamaican descent who grew up and was educated in the communities of the former Canal Zone. Wife, mother, and a passionate activist for the human rights of Afro-descendants ”, this is how Melva Lowe de Goodin defines herself, president of the Society of Friends of the Afro-Caribbean Museum of Panama (SAMAAP). Lowe taught African and Caribbean literature at the University of Zambia, Africa. From that experience he learned about his African and Caribbean roots. He applauds the fact that in Panama it was established by law on May 30, of each year, a civic day and commemoration of the black ethnic group. Between roses and thorns, the black population claims their social rights and closes ranks against racism and racial discrimination, open or underhanded, which they consider still exists.