
From Barbados to Panama


Melva Lowe Goodin’s “From Barbados to Panama” is proudly bilingual and makes a special contribution to the varied literature emerging from the Republic of Panama. In Spanish and English.

The “Afrodescendientes” of Panama and of Central America continue to honor the sacrifices and dignity of the “diggers.” de Goodin’s work, in an insightful and very personal way, exemplifies, preserves and extends their legacy for future generations.

Additional information


English, Español

Publishing company

Editora Geminis, Panama, R. de P.


English Second Edition, Segunda Edición Español


81 pages

Category ,
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SKU 9962806542


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The telling of history is - most often and too often - from the perspective of the upper social and economic classes. Through this play, Melva Lowe de Goodin takes us into the fascinating lives, heart-rending decisions, despairing moments, romances and precious victories of the African/Black men of Barbados, Jamaica and other Caribbean islands (colonies at the time) who came to build the Panama Canal.

Damani (Bill) Keene

Congratulations, both to the author, as well as to the Afro Panamanian activists who have fought to make visible what has been kept hidden from Panamanians of all backgrounds.

Panama CyberspaceNews